Tuesday, April 15, 2008

[Delhi Dynamos] Bill O'Brien of Boston, USA

Bringing it Back to Boston

Baked Beans and the Future of Anal Sex

Correspondence from IRMA advocates
by way of India

M2008 memories and the path forward

by Bill O'Brien
[read Bill's bio]

My trip to New Delhi and the Microbicides 2008 conference was an exciting one for me. It wouldn’t have happened without the generous support of IRMA and the John Shaw Memorial Scholarship and the conference scholarship I received. I definitely need to thank everyone who provided me with financial support to make the trip.

This was my first trip to Asia and New Delhi is a city unlike any that I had ever been to before. The sheer size, both in area and population, I found amazing. I won’t soon forget weaving in and out of traffic in the back of a taxi or all the animals on the street. I was a bit disappointed that I never got to see a monkey.

The conference itself had some organizational issues but overall, looking back, it went well. It was great seeing the entire microbicide field in one place and meeting many IRMA members.

Now back in Boston, I’ve shared my experience at the conference in many ways. I spoke at a department staff meeting and sent out an informational email to staff at Fenway with links to microbicide resources including the IRMA website.

In May, I have been invited to speak at a Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) meeting. At the MDPH meeting, I will discuss microbicides and will share my experiences at the conference. I look forward to maintaining my relationship with IRMA and continuing my microbicide advocacy work here in Boston.

Hopefully, I will see everyone again in Pittsburgh.

Read other Delhi Dynamo entries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Bill. And keep up the great work in Boston!

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