IRMA Resources

Check out all these great resources from IRMA - on the IRMA website.

IRMA Materials

On The Map: Ensuring Africa's Place in Rectal Microbicide Research and Advocacy

Click on IRMA Materials to download and read the new strategy document (above) from IRMA's Project ARM - Africa for Rectal Microbicides initiative. Also, be sure to check out IRMA's 2010 report From Promise to Product: Advancing Rectal Microbicide Research and Advocacy. The document is available in both English and Spanish Other IRMA reports and materials - like fact sheets and adaptable powerpoint presentations - can be found here as well.

Teleconference presentations

This section includes presentation slides and minutes from regular teleconferences. IRMA, with the generosity of its organizational partners, hosts regular, free international teleconferences featuring speakers from around the world who are leading rectal microbicides research and advocacy efforts. All calls include a set of slides which participants can follow online. Minutes of the call are posted here as well. Click here.

Community Presentations

IRMA members regularly present on rectal microbicide advocacy and research in their communities and at local, national and international conferences. These presentations are available for you to learn from and to use as examples and adaptable templates. You can now find a collection of presentations from Microbicides 2012 here as well.

Other Published Materials

Scientific articles, media stories, fact sheets and other interesting documents are located in this section. Click here.

IRMA List Serv

Join our highly active, moderated listserv - which automatically makes you an IRMAmember. The list facilitates a global, ongoing, and dynamic discussion and debate on issues related to HIV prevention, including but not limited to rectal microbicides.

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