Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Global Call to Action: Demand Answers on Lubricant Safety (Have You Endorsed Yet?)

Have you or your organization endorsed the Global Call to Action Demanding Answers on Lubricant Safety?

Since Valentine's Day, 140 organizations and 293 individuals in nearly fifty countries have endorsed the call to action - and numbers continue to grow! Please add your name if you haven’t already. Full lists of endorsers is below.


Recent studies have raised questions about the impact of sexual lubricants on the risk of acquiring HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

It is outrageous that more than 30 years into the HIV pandemic, we don’t know whether sexual lubricants increase, decrease or have no impact on the risk of acquiring HIV and other STIs. In fact, it is only recently that most advocates, HIV prevention workers, researchers and regulators have even realised that we don’t yet know the answers to these fundamental questions.

Today, there are only a few disparate studies related to lube safety underway. These studies do not form part of an overarching plan to answer questions about lubricant safety because there isn’t one.

This is unacceptable. We demand answers on lubricant safety.

Click here to endorse the call: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CalltoActionLubeSafety

We demand a Lubricant Safety Research Agenda and insist upon its quick implementation. We must know whether or not various types of sexual lubricants are safe for vaginal and rectal use. We must understand fully what impact they have on the risk of acquiring HIV and STIs.

•As advocates, funders, researchers, lubricant manufacturers and regulators, we are committed to come together to develop and implement a Lubricant Safety Research Agenda.

•As advocates, we support more research, funding, and collaboration to determine whether lubricants are safe.

•As funders, we will support the research and collaborative work required to determine whether lubricants are safe. Funding for lubricant safety research will not come out of budgets for microbicide research or other new prevention technologies.

•As researchers, we will conduct the appropriate studies required to determine whether lubricants are safe.

•As lubricant manufacturers, we will list the ingredients used to manufacture lubricants and work with researchers and regulators to ensure that our products are safe.

•As regulators, we will provide guidance into the research data required to ensure that lubricants available on the market are safe.

Endorse the Call to Action on Lubricant Safety

Men, women and transgender people from around the globe who engage in vaginal or anal intercourse deserve access to safe, condom-compatible sexual lubricants.

Please endorse this global Call to Action on Lubricant Safety. You may endorse the Call to Action as an individual or as an organization.

Click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CalltoActionLubeSafety

Endorsements –  both lists in formation, next page

ORGANIZATIONAL endorsements as of 3/12/13

1. Abra Advanced Research International Pte Ltd, Singapore

2. ACON, Australia

3. Act for Change, Ghana

4. Act Up/East Bay, USA

5. ActionAIDS, USA

6. ADEFHO, Cameroon

7. Adhikaar, India

8. Affirmative Action, Cameroon

9. African Alliance for HIV Prevention, South Africa

10. African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR), South Africa

11. Afrique Arc En Ciel, Togo

12. AIDS Community Research Initiative of America, USA

13. AIDS Foundation of Chicago, USA

14. AIDS Project Los Angeles, USA

15. AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region, USA

16. AIDS United, USA

17. AKPAKA Axel, Benin

18. ALPHA Pittsburgh, Inc., USAALPHA Pittsburgh, Inc.


20. Anova Health Institute, South Africa

21. Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health, Thailand

22. Astitva - An Organisation for the Support and Development of Sexual Minorities, India


24. Blue Diamond Society, Nepal

25. Canadian AIDS Society, Canada

26. Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), Canada

27. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Canada

28. Caribbean Association of Midwest America, USA

29. Case/UH Microbicide Clinical Trials Community Advisory Committee, USA

30. Center for Applied Research on Men and Health (CARMAH), Vietnam

31. Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), Malawi

32. Centre for the Development of People, Malawi

33. Chengdu Tongle, China

34. Chicago Female Condom Campaign, USA

35. Chicago Women's AIDS Project, USA

36. Citizen News Service – CNS, India

37. Club des 7jours, Togo

38. C-NET+, Belize

39. COCQ-SIDA, Canada


41. Community Information Center, USA


43. Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, South Africa

44. Diversity And Solidairty Trust, Sri Lanka

45. DUH Demonstration for Universal Healthcare, USA

46. Epicentro, Peru

47. Equal Opportunities, Tajikistan

48. Evolve, Cameroon

49. Family Planning Council, USA

50. Fenway Institute at Fenway Health, USA

51. Freedom and Roam Uganda, Uganda

52. Fundacion Manodiversa Bolivia, Bolivia

53. Gala Initiative Uganda, Uganda

54. Gay City Health Project, USA

55. Gay Men’s Health Crisis, USA

56. Gay Men's Sexual Health Alliance, Canada

57. Gel Works Pty Ltd, Australia

58. Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF), USA

59. Global Network of People Living with HIV, North American (GNP+NA), USA

60. GlobalGayz.com, USA

61. GrenCHAP Inc., Grenada

62. GWLmuda, Indonesia

63. Health Digest Foundation, Ghana

64. Heroes Project, India

65. HIV Prevention Justice Alliance, USA

66. House of Joe, USA

67. Housing Works, Inc., USA

68. Humanity First Cameroon, Cameroon

69. Hyacinth AIDS Foundation, USA

70. India HIV/AIDS Alliance, India

71. Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development, Canada

72. International Center for Advocacy on Right to Health, Nigeria

73. International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA), USA

74. IRMA ALC - América Latina y el Caribe, Peru

75. IRMA Nigeria, Nigeria

76. ISHTAR-MSM, Kenya

77. Iskorak, Croatia

78. Jamaica AIDS Support for Life, Jamaica

79. Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health and Human Rights, USA

80. Joint Adherent Brothers and Sisters Against Aids, Uganda

81. Los Angeles County HIV Drug & Alcohol Task Force, USA

82. Louisiana Latino Health Coalition for HIV/AIDS Awareness, USA


84. Men For Health and Gender Justice Organisation, Botswana

85. Microbicide Trials Network, USA

86. Minnesota AIDS Project, USA

87. MUSC/Lowcountry AIDS Services Consumer Advisory Board, USA

88. NAM Publications (Aidsmap), UK

89. National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition, USA

90. National Minority AIDS Council, USA

91. Naz Male Health Alliance, Pakistan

92. New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society, Nigeria

93. Okaloosa AIDS support & Informational Services, Inc. (OASIS), USA

94. PEMA Kenya, Kenya

95. Penitentiary Initiative, Ukraine

96. People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata, India

97. PeterCares House, USA

98. POCAAN (People of Color Against AIDS Network), USA

99. Positive Mind & Body Support Group Network, USA

100. Positive Women's Network USA, USA

101. Presbyterian AIDS Network, USA

102. Pride Equality, Sierra Leone

103. Pro Health Initiative, Nigeria

104. Professionals in Pride Kenya (PPK), Kenya

105. Project Inform, USA

106. PT Foundation, Malaysia

107. Puerto Rico Community Network for Clinical Research on AIDS, Puerto Rico

108. Queer Alliance Nigeria, Nigeria


110. Rainbow Community Kampuceah, Cambodia

111. Rainbow Sunrise Mapambazuko, DR Congo

112. San Antonio AIDS Foundation, USA

113. San Francisco AIDS Foundation, USA

114. SEA-AIDS (Asia Pacific eForum on HIV), India

115. SIBALT, Russia

116. SID'ADO, Cameroon

117. Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD), Guyana

118. SOMOSGAY, Paraguay

119. START at Westminster, USA

120. Stichting AidsCare, The Netherlands

121. Tamba Pwani, Kenya

122. Tanzania Sisi Kwa Sisi Foundation, Tanzania

123. Terrence Higgins Trust, UK

124. Test Positive Aware Network, USA

125. The Initiative for Equal Rights, Nigeria

126. The Mpowerment Project, USA

127. The Yes Yes Company Ltd, UK

128. Total Health Empowerment and Development (THEDI), Nigeria

129. Treatment Action Group, USA

130. Trigg Laboratories, Inc., USA

131. Uganda Health and Science Press Association, Uganda


133. Vivir. Participacion, Incidencia y Transparencia, A.C., Mexico

134. Vote For Health Campaign, India

135. We For Civil Equality NGO, Armenia

136. William Way LGBT Community Center, USA

137. Womenplus Against TB and HIV in Kenya, Kenya

138. Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance, USA

139. World AIDS Forum, Australia

140. Youth Voices Count, Thailand

 INDIVIDUAL endorsements as of 3/12/13

1. Adam Fairris, UK

2. Ako Cyriaque Yapo, Senegal

3. Alan Johnson, USA

4. Alapini Max, Benin

5. Alberto Abello, USA

6. Alex Carballo-Dieguez, USA

7. Alicia Gauvin, USA

8. Allison Boyd, USA

9. Amoussou Damien, Togo

10. Andrew Reynolds, USA

11. Ann Jones, USA

12. Ann Joseph, USA

13. Anna Forbes, MSS, USA

14. Anna Saeger, USA

15. Anne Lehocky, USA

16. Antonio Gonzalez, USA

17. Arick Buckles, United States

18. Ben Bavinton, Australia

19. Ben Clapham, USA

20. Bertram Johnson, United States

21. Beth Galaska Burzuk, USA

22. Bi Petex, Uganda

23. Bisi Alimi, United Kingdom

24. Blake Smith, UK

25. Bobby Ramakant, India

26. Brian Kanyemba, South Africa

27. Brian M. Green, USA

28. Brian White, South Africa

29. Briana Morgan, United States

30. Brooke Willis, USA

31. Butch McKay, USA

32. Cameron Wolf, USA

33. Caren Kirkland, USA

34. Carlos Vela, Peru

35. Carrie E .Foote, USA

36. Cassandra Warren, USA

37. Cassie Bayside, Australia

38. Celina Londono, USA

39. Champion Phiri, South Africa

40. Chanthorn Phorng, Cambodia

41. Charlene Dezzutti, USA

42. Charles, Uganda

43. Chheav Aphyra, Cambodia

44. Chiranjivi Amgai, Nepal

45. Chris Bartlett, USA

46. Christian Rumu, United States

47. Christopher B. Duerkes, USA

48. Clare Collins, USA

49. Collins Seymah Smith, Ghana

50. Cory Silverberg, Canada

51. Courtney McCrellias, USA

52. Dahlia Ferlito, USA

53. Dan Kilbane, USA

54. Dana Loxley, Australia

55. Dana Nelson, USA

56. Dana Nelson, USA

57. Daniel MacDonald, USA

58. Daramola Christianah, Nigeria

59. Darrel Johnson, United States

60. David Acosta, USA

61. David G Ostrow, USA

62. David Kuria, Kenya

63. David Phillips, USA

64. Deb Tolenaar, USA

65. Deirdre Grant, USA

66. Denis Efremov, Russia

67. Derrick Mapp, USA

68. Don Pults, USA

69. Donald MacIver, USA

70. Donn Colby, Vietnam

71. Doug Brown, UK

72. Doug McColeman, Canada

73. Douglas Masinde, Kenya

74. Douglas Warzyn, USA

75. Douomong Yotta Serge, Cameroon

76. Dr Stuart Koe, Singapore

77. Dr. Michael W. Plankey, USA

78. Dredge Kang, USA

79. Drew Nannini, United States

80. Duncan Japhta Khothatso Moeketse, South Africa

81. Durueke Florita, Nigeria

82. Dustin Kight, USA

83. Ed Wolf, USA

84. Edie O'Connor, United States

85. Edward Fuchs, USA

86. Edward Iwanicki, USA

87. Eniko Akom, USA

88. Eric Arnold Fopossi, Cameroon

89. Eric Evans, USA

90. Eric M Glare, Australia

91. Erich Schneider Ormeño, Peru

92. Erik Libey, USA

93. Erik Streeter, United States

94. Erik Streeter, USA

95. Ernest MOSEKI, Botswana

96. Eva Westley, United States

97. Fiona Hale, UK

98. Gail Broder, USA

99. Garland Wood, USA

100. Garry Brough, UK

101. Gary Paul Wright, USA

102. Gbekou, Togo

103. Gennady Roshchupkin, Russia

104. George Kerr, USA

105. George Miller-Zauner, USA

106. George Pappas, USA

107. George Pappas, USA

108. George Reginald Freeman, Sierra Leone

109. George Victor O, Kenya

110. Georges S., Togo

111. Gerard Nkundimana, Rwanda

112. Gina Brown, USA

113. Glenn Kornblum, USA

114. Gregg Kimball, USA

115. Hanna Hjord, USA

116. Hannah Graves, Canada

117. Heidi Wesbrock, USA

118. Helen, USA

119. Henrieese Roberts, USA

120. Hugo Dann, Canada

121. Ian Lemieux, US

122. Ivan Cruickshank, Jamaica

123. J. Jeff McConnell, USA

124. Jace Dyckman, USA

125. Jack Cox, USA

126. Jade Patten, USA

127. James Carrington, United States

128. James Komar, United States

129. Jamie Roberts, USA

130. Jamie Sims, USA

131. Jason Jacobs, USA

132. Jason King , USA

133. Jean-Michel Brevelle, USA

134. Jeffrey Pope, USA

135. Jennifer A. Hawley, USA

136. Jeremy Kwan, Malaysia

137. Jerome Galea, USA

138. Jeton Ademaj, USA

139. Jim Eigo, USA

140. Jim Merrell, USA

141. Jim Pickett, USA

142. John Andrews, USA

143. John Hamiga, USA

144. John Kashiha, Tanzania

145. John McAllister, Botswana

146. John Peller, USA

147. Jorge Gutierrez, USA

148. Jorge Yon, Peru

149. Joseph Alfano, USA

150. Joseph Walker, USA

151. Joyce Hunter, USA

152. Jules Eloundou Atamba, Cameroon

153. Julian Sanjivan, USA

154. Julie Davids, United States

155. Kadiri Audu, Nigeria

156. Karen Creary, USA

157. Karon Stephen, France

158. Kasha Jacqueline, Uganda

159. Kate Alexander, USA

160. Kate Morrow, USA

161. Kay Marshall, USA

162. Kees Rümke, The Netherlands

163. Keith Gereffi, USA

164. Kennedy Otieno Olango, Kenya

165. Kenny, USA

166. Kent Klindera, United States

167. Kevin DeLuca, USA

168. Kevin McKenzie, USA

169. Kieta D. Mutepfa, USA

170. Krishna Stone, USA

171. Kyon Saucier, USA

172. Larry Baxter, Canada

173. Laurel Sprague, United States

174. Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, India

175. Leo Schenk, The Netherlands

176. Lillibeth Gonzalez, USA

177. Linda Watson, Canada

178. Loren Jones, United States

179. Luis Galarza, Ecuador

180. Mac-Darling Cobbinah, Ghana

181. Maheswar Satpathy, Australia

182. Marc-André LeBlanc, Canada

183. Marcelo Maia, USA

184. Marie Camacho, USA

185. Marie Omorodion, USA

186. Mark Hubbard, USA

187. Mark Ing, USA

188. Mark S. King, USA

189. Marlon Woodward, USA

190. Martha Tholanah, Zimbabwe

191. Mary Brewster, United States

192. Mathew Rodriguez, USA

193. Matt Bray, USA

194. Matthew Franck, USA

195. Matthew Franck, USA

196. Matthew Rose, USA

197. Matthew Vaughan, Thailand

198. Melanie A Reese, USA

199. Michael Louella , USA

200. Michael Luciano, USA

201. Michael Moore, USA

202. Michael Trigg, USA

203. Mike Kennedy, Australia

204. Mike Peters, USA

205. Mombunza Azuba, DR CONGO

206. Monique Newell, USA

207. Morenike Ukpong, Nigeria

208. Muriel Visser, France

209. Mykaila Ostrom, USA

210. N. Nash, USA

211. Naigaga Lillian Mutengu, Uganda

212. Nathan Solomon, USA

213. Nicholas Bates, Australia

214. Nnamani Ikechukwu Sammy, Nigeria

215. Olumide Makanjuola, Nigeria

216. Omullo Paul, Kenya

217. Orbit Clanton, USA

218. Otis Richardson, USA

219. Patricia Segura, Peru

220. Patrick French, USA

221. Paul Causey, Thailand

222. Pedro Goicochea, USA

223. Penny DeNoble, USA

224. Pham Thi Hanh Van, Vietnam

225. Phillis Washington, USA

226. Pilot Mathambo, Botswana

227. Prince N. Bahati, Kenya

228. Ramon Nunez III, USA

229. Rebecca Giguere, USA

230. Remigus Emodi, Nigeria

231. Rev. Charles Straight, USA

232. Ricardo Jimenez, USA

233. Richard Coover, USA

234. Rita Lisa Labbett, US

235. Robert Aponte, USA

236. Robert Birch, Canada

237. Roger Cunha, USA

238. Roger Pebody, UK

239. Roger Prasad, Canada

240. Roger Tatoud, UK

241. Roy Wadia, India

242. Rukia Ahmed, Kenya

243. S. Wakefield, USA

244. Santiago Palomino, Peru

245. Sasha Gear, South Africa

246. Scot More, USA

247. Scott Robertson, Zambia

248. Sedar, Benin

249. Sergio Farfan, USA

250. Shawn Decker, United States

251. Shayna Buhler, Canada

252. Shreena, India

253. Sibusiso, South Africa

254. Simon Odiwuor , Kenya

255. Siobhan Fee, UK

256. Solomon, Kenya

257. Srun Srorn, Cambodia

258. Steave Nemande, Cameroon

259. Stephen Karpiak PhD, United States

260. Stephen McGill, Liberia

261. Stephen Miller-Zauner, USA

262. Steve Miralles, Peru

263. Stuart Koe, Singapore

264. Sue Saltmarsh, USA

265. Suman Nepal, Nepal

266. Suraj Madoori, USA

267. Susan Forrest, USA

268. Susan Lloyd Yolen, USA

269. Susie Hoffman, USA

270. Sylvie Rouby, France

271. Tendai F Mbengeranwa Mhaka, Zimbabwe

272. Terence Roethlein, United States

273. Teresa Springer, USA

274. TG Green, USA

275. Thandi Maluka, South Africa

276. Theresa Rubin, USA

277. Thomas Haig, Canada

278. Tiedjou Joseph Achille, Cameroon

279. Timothy Frasca, USA

280. Timothy Kee, United States

281. Titcha Ho, USA

282. Trevor Pearson, USA

283. TUNG DUY BUI, Thailand

284. Udom Likhitwonnawut, Thailand

285. Victor Rollins, Bahamas

286. Wanda Brendle-Moss, USA

287. Wanda Commander, USA

288. Will Wilson, USA

289. William Booth, Canada

290. Wolf Graf, Australia

291. Yolanda, USA

292. Zoe Duby, South Africa

293. Zoran Dominkovic, Croatia


 *Join IRMA's robust, highly-active. moderated, global listserv addressing rectal microbicide research and advocacy as well as other interesting new HIV prevention technologies by contacting us at rectalmicro@gmail.com. Joining our listserv automatically makes you a member of IRMA - a network of more than 1,100 advocates, scientists, policy makers and funders from all over the world.

*Please look for us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/InternationalRectalMicrobicideAdvocates, and you can follow us on Twitter: @rectalmicro.

*Also, please note that shared news items from other sources posted on this blog do not necessarily mean IRMA has taken any position on the article's content.


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