via BETA, by San Fransisco AIDS Foundation
Rig Rush of the Black AIDS Institute is the “mobilization coordinator of everything gay black male,” an advocate of better and earlier sex education for youth—and a volunteer in a rectal microbicide trial.
The charming Mr. Rush spoke with BETA about his experience in the trial, his advice for others considering joining a microbicide study, and what words of wisdom he would give to his younger self if he could.
Rig was also featured as one of IRMA's Friendly Rectal Microbicide Advocates. Check it out here.
Read the rest.
*Join IRMA's robust, highly-active. moderated, global listserv addressing rectal microbicide research and advocacy as well as other interesting new HIV prevention technologies by contacting us at Joining our listserv automatically makes you a member of IRMA - a network of more than 1,100 advocates, scientists, policy makers and funders from all over the world.
*Please look for us on Facebook:, and you can follow us on Twitter: @rectalmicro.
*Also, please note that shared news items from other sources posted on this blog do not necessarily mean IRMA has taken any position on the article's content.

Throughout the MTN-007 study, which looked at the safety and acceptability of a gel containing the HIV drug tenofovir (Viread), Rig had regular HIV tests, answered questions about his sex life, underwent rectal exams and uncomfortable biopsies—and helped bring another HIV prevention tool one step closer.
The charming Mr. Rush spoke with BETA about his experience in the trial, his advice for others considering joining a microbicide study, and what words of wisdom he would give to his younger self if he could.
Rig was also featured as one of IRMA's Friendly Rectal Microbicide Advocates. Check it out here.
Read the rest.
*Join IRMA's robust, highly-active. moderated, global listserv addressing rectal microbicide research and advocacy as well as other interesting new HIV prevention technologies by contacting us at Joining our listserv automatically makes you a member of IRMA - a network of more than 1,100 advocates, scientists, policy makers and funders from all over the world.
*Please look for us on Facebook:, and you can follow us on Twitter: @rectalmicro.
*Also, please note that shared news items from other sources posted on this blog do not necessarily mean IRMA has taken any position on the article's content.
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