Via Times of India.
South African scientists, who launched a 24-month trial to confirm the efficacy of a microbicide gel that would reduce the risk of women getting HIV, have found an unexpected spin-off – it also boosts sexual pleasure.
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Wits professor Helen Rees, of the university's reproductive health and HIV institute, said the R300m trial would involve about 2,200 sexually active women at seven locations countrywide.
The Tenofovir gel study - known as Follow-on African Consortium for Tenofovir Studies (Facts) study - would be a follow-up to the Caprisa 004 study, which showed that a highly consistent use of the microbicide by women resulted in a 59 per cent reduction in the risk of HIV infection.
Rees said during a previous study involving another gel - that proved unsuccessful in the fight against HIV - participants had noted the gel improved their sexual pleasure.
"One of the big messages we got, was many women said 'We liked this', quoted her as saying.
Read the rest here.
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