Friday, November 19, 2010

Meet a Friendly Rectal Microbicide Advocate: Gerard Nkundimana

via IRMA
“Building on the growing scientific evidence around the escalating numbers of new HIV infections resulting from unprotected anal sex, I believe that everybody born on this earth needs to understand the urgency to develop safe, effective, affordable and acceptable rectal microbicides among the new HIV prevention technologies.” Gerard Nkundimana
Nkundimana was born and raised in Butare town of southern Rwanda. He is a fifth year medical student at the National University of Rwanda and serves as an advisor and fundraising task force coordinator for the Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda (MEDSAR). Nkundimana became involved with IRMA in 2009 through the Prevention Research E-Learning Centre (, created by the Global Campaign for Microbicides to help trial staff, advocates, policy makers and other stakeholders understand and speak about the complexities of HIV prevention research. In the last year Nkundimana has used IRMA resources to stay up to date on the scientific, political and funding issues around rectal and vaginal microbicide development, and to engage with experts that are discussing HIV prevention research results and their implications in the real world.

Nkundimana also loves to socialize and to make friends, and enjoys taking part in the global student effort to prevent HIV/AIDS.

“Rectal microbicides are needed to help protect men and women who engage in anal sex. It is clear that they need and deserve protection from HIV and it makes a sense for the world to give it serious consideration on the global agenda to meet their needs.”-Gerard Nkundimana
Read about other friendly rectal microbicides advocates

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